Tuesday 17 May 2011

teaching abiliti test for india

FW: Syllabus Of
TeacherEligibility Test
(TET)November 25, 2010Central
Government of India hasmade
new rule and regulationfor be
teacher of primary school.The
National Council for
TeacherEducation (NCTE) has
preparedguide line and
regulations fornew recruitment
of teacher forclass one to class
eight inGovernment and private
schools.Now all new teacher
will beappointed in govt. and
privateschools after pass
TeacherEligibility Test (TET)
exam. Allstates of India have to
take TETexam of candidate
before joiningof teacher. Only
pass candidatesin TET exam
would be eligible forteacher in
govt. and privateschool.This is
compulsory for privateschool
also. If any private
schoolappoint any teacher
without TETpass then school ’s
affiliationsfrom any board will
be canceled.The old teachers of
Govt. andprivate school do not
need topass TET exam for
continue theirjob. They will be
considered asTET pass
candidate if theychange their
school.The TET pass certificate
will bevalid for three years only.
Aftercomplete the three
yearsteachers have to pass TET
examagain.All states have to
follow this rulestrictly. Those
vacancies forteacher would be
fulfilled onmerit list or interview
which hasbeen came before
25th August2010. It means that
if anyvacancies for teacher
hasannounced after 25th
August2010 then candidate will
not beappointed on merit list.
Theyhave to pass TET exam.The
appointment of teacher inUP
would be affected by this
newregulation.TET exam will be
conducted forthree – three
hours in two sets.Syllabus of TET
exam – GeneralKnowledge,
Creative Interestand from
course of B.Ed.The qualifying
mark for pass TETexam will be
set by stateeducation
department or HRD.
Wed, 20 Apr 2011 21:52 IST
----Forwarded Message----
From: omprakarh@yahoo.com
To: omprakarh@yahoo.com,
Sent: Tue, 01 Mar 2011 14:39 IST
Subject: Syllabus Of
TeacherEligibility Test
(TET)November 25, 2010Central
Government of India hasmade
new rule and regulationfor be
teacher of primary school.The
National Council for
TeacherEducation (NCTE) has
preparedguide line and
regulations fornew recruitment
of teacher forclass one to class
eight inGovernment and private
schools.Now all new teacher will
beappointed in govt. and
privateschools after pass
TeacherEligibility Test (TET) exam.
Allstates of India have to take
TETexam of candidate before
joiningof teacher. Only pass
candidatesin TET exam would be
eligible forteacher in govt. and
privateschool.This is compulsory
for privateschool also. If any
private schoolappoint any teacher
without TETpass then school ’s
affiliationsfrom any board will be
canceled.The old teachers of Govt.
andprivate school do not need
topass TET exam for continue
theirjob. They will be considered
asTET pass candidate if
theychange their school.The TET
certificate will bevalid for three
years only. Aftercomplete the
three yearsteachers have to pass
TET examagain.All states have to
follow this rulestrictly. Those
vacancies forteacher would be
fulfilled onmerit list or interview
which hasbeen came before 25th
August2010. It means that if
anyvacancies for teacher
hasannounced after 25th
August2010 then candidate will
not beappointed on merit list.
Theyhave to pass TET exam.The
appointment of teacher inUP
would be affected by this
newregulation.TET exam will be
conducted forthree – three hours
in two sets.Syllabus of TET exam –
GeneralKnowledge, Creative
Interestand from course of
B.Ed.The qualifying mark for pass
TETexam will be set by
stateeducation department or
Syllabus Of Teacher
Eligibility Test (TET)
November 25, 2010
Central Government of India has
made new rule and regulation
for be teacher of primary school.
The National Council for Teacher
Education (NCTE) has prepared
guide line and regulations for
new recruitment of teacher for
class one to class eight in
Government and private schools.
Now all new teacher will be
appointed in govt. and private
schools after pass Teacher
Eligibility Test (TET) exam. All
states of India have to take TET
exam of candidate before joining
of teacher. Only pass candidates
in TET exam would be eligible for
teacher in govt. and private
This is compulsory for private
school also. If any private school
appoint any teacher without TET
pass then school ’s affiliations
from any board will be canceled.
The old teachers of Govt. and
private school do not need to
pass TET exam for continue their
job. They will be considered as
TET pass candidate if they
change their school.
The TET pass certificate will be
valid for three years only. After
complete the three years
teachers have to pass TET exam
All states have to follow this rule
strictly. Those vacancies for
teacher would be fulfilled on
merit list or interview which has
been came before 25th August
2010. It means that if any
vacancies for teacher has
announced after 25th August
2010 then candidate will not be
appointed on merit list. They
have to pass TET exam.
The appointment of teacher in
UP would be affected by this new
TET exam will be conducted for
three – three hours in two sets.
Syllabus of TET exam – General
Knowledge, Creative Interest
and from course of B.Ed.
The qualifying mark for pass TET
exam will be set by state
education department or HRD.

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